A Vote for All
Get Inspired: Voting Kits for the Disenfranchised
A Vote for All. We're inviting your family to think about how we can create a democracy representative of all its people. Check out the artwork of Aram Han Sifuentes as she creates spaces where we can imagine a world where everyone has the right to vote.
The word "disenfranchise" means to deprive someone of the right to participate. As Aram notes, many people in our country are disenfranchised and unable to vote. If you're under 18, formerly incarcerated, undocumented, or without an ID, you may not be able to vote in the upcoming election. Aram envisions a world where everyone has a voice in building our community and democracy. What would our country look like if everyone's voices were heard?
Let’s Talk
After watching the video about Voting Kits for the Disenfranchised, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family:
What stood out to you about Aram's Voting Kits? What made you think?
Do you think it's important for everyone to have the right to vote? Why?
Aram creates spaces where voting is a celebratory act of participation. What would your voting booth look like?
Bonus! Learn how to get involved in politics! You might look into working with your school board, volunteering with your alderman, or joining a political campaign.
Do Something: Research Your Reps
Who represents you? Elections don’t just effect who becomes president, there's a multitude of candidates running at the federal, state, and local level. Take some time to research the people who represent you.
Start with one issue that you are passionate about like environmental conservation, education, or healthcare. What do the candidates stand for? How do their previous actions align with your values? Do you agree with their ideas and solutions.
Enter your address on Ballotpedia to learn more about who is on your ballot! Politicians represent you - even if you're not old enough to vote!
Community Connections: Mikva Challenge
Youth voice is an important part of our democracy. Although kids can't vote yet, youth can learn out about issues that matter and have their voices heard. Mikva Challenge is on a mission to develop youth to be empowered, informed, and active citizens who will promote a just and equitable society. They envision a stronger, inclusive democracy that values youth voice.
Every year, Mikva Challenge develops programs to help kids get involved in their communities. They provide a multitude of opportunities for youth to participate in elections and campaigns, advocacy work, and public speaking. Check out their amazing opportunities to get involved.
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