Art & Culture
Art Everywhere
Get Inspired: Turning Mud Into Art, Dorodango
Art is everywhere! Creativity requires that we look at every day objects with a new perspective. Today, we're inviting your family to challenge they way you see every day materials and get creative about transforming them into works of art. Check out this video about the Japanese art form of Dorodango - turning mud into beautiful spheres of art.
Art helps us to broaden our perspectives. When we challenge ourselves to look at art differently, we are also learning how to be more inquisitive, understanding, and empathetic. Reimagining how you look at art can help make the world a better place!
Let’s Talk
After watching the video about Dorodango use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family:
What stood out to you about the art form of Dorodango?
In the video, Kiyoko talks about the moment when the mud balls start to come to life. What does this mean to you? What did you notice about the mud balls?
When you make art, what's your favorite part of the creative process? Gathering materials? The messiness? or the finished product?
Bonus! Dorodango is a traditional Japanese art form. What unique art form comes from your cultural background? If you don't know, do some research! You might be surprised by the art you find.
Do Something: Unconventional Materials Challenge
Let's get unconventional! Grab some random objects from around your house for inspiration. Look in your recycling bin for jars, boxes, and plastic containers. Arrange your objects on your table to create a still life model.
Use the geometric shapes to inspire a painting or drawing. Check out this Whitney Museum prompt for more inspiration on your Still Life Remix.
What do you see? This painting by Stuart Davis was based off a coffee pot. Get creative with how you interpret the objects in your home!Our first activity this week is a Random Acts of Kindness Challenge! RAOKs have been proven to improve moods, lower blood pressure, and even reduce pain! Plus they'll keep you busy while you hang at home.
Community Connections: Art Is Everywhere
Let’s get out in our community! Take a walk with your family and notice all of the art in your neighborhood. Locate and photograph art in your community, including public sculptures, murals, mosaics, graffiti, and even art in your neighbors window. Map out where all the art pieces are located and create a map to share with neighbors and friends.
Amazed by the art you find? Make a map with a guide to the public art in your neighborhood. If you can, research the artists who created each piece of art to give them credit and write up a little back story about their work. Share your map on social media, with your school, or with a local newsletter so that others can enjoy all the art you have found.
Love Honeycomb at Home?
Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this new daily content. Your support means such much.
Earn a Honeycomb Pin!
We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject

Honeycomb at home