Art & Culture
Art in Action
Get Inspired: A Worldwide Yarn Movement
Art in Action. Art has the power to connect communities. We invite your family to think about how art challenges our ways of thinking and has the power to brighten our days. Check out this video about Magda Sayeg, a textile artist who started a worldwide movement with yarn and some knitting needles.
Magda Sayeg notes that "we all live in this fast-paced, digital world, but we still crave and desire something that's relatable." Magda uses public art as a means of connecting people. When we see art that is out of the ordinary, it makes us stop and think - even if it's as simple as yarn wrapped around a stop sign. Public art urges us to be present, to contemplate our ability to create, and to challenge the ways we relate to the world.
Let’s Talk
After watching the video about yarn bombing, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family today:
What stood out to you about the art of yarn bombing? Have you ever seen yarn bombing in your neighborhood?
What value does Magda’s art bring to the community? Why is this important?
Magda talks about the importance of interrupting our busy routines. How do you stay present and mindful during busy times?
Bonus! Pick up some yarn and get knitting! Magda creates beautiful art but says she can't knit a sweater if she tried. What abstract textile art can you come up with?
Do Something: Create Textile Art
Yarn can be used for more than knitting scarves! Check out this derivative of paper mâché and learn how to use glue, water, yarn, and balloons to make beautiful hanging art for your home! Watch the video below to learn tips to create beautiful hanging yarn sculptures.
Get creative! Play with color and texture while making art. Pick out yarns with different thickness, weight, and patterns to make your yarn sculptures. We can't wait to see what you create! Snap a picture of your sculpture and tag us at #honeycombathome or @honeycombproject.
Community Connections: Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange
Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange is on a mission to equip teachers and non-profits with the creative materials their students need to thrive while protecting our planet. CCRx collects surplus art and school supplies to help stock up classrooms so that all Chicago students have the opportunity to explore their creativity. Their belief is that “trash is just a failure of the imagination” and work to repurpose and reuse items to divert waste from landfills, helping people and planet!
Time to get organized! Tackle that art bin as a family. What do you have around the house that could be reused? Everyone has a job to do. Turn on the tunes while you organize your art supplies and make piles for donations.
CCRx is looking for a plethora of art supplies, office supplies, miscellaneous metals and wood, and other items to help fortify Chicago’s creativity. Check out their website for a list of most wanted donations and schedule a drop off at their warehouse.
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Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this virtual daily content. Your support means such much.
Earn a Honeycomb Pin!
We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject

Honeycomb at home