Envision Justice
Get Inspired: Imagine a World with No Prisons
Envision Justice. Philosopher and activist Cornel West calls on us all to "never forget that justice is what love looks like in public." We're inviting your family to think about how we can create spaces of love and healing in our communities. Check out this TED Talk by Deanna Van Buren exploring how she used her expertise as an architect to create spaces for restorative justice and peacemaking.
Restorative justice is a holistic approach to confronting crime. Rather than focusing on punishment, restorative justice systems rely on values such as respect, participation, trust, accountability, and healing. Deanna believes that by transforming the spaces and places where we do justice, we can end mass incarceration and build peaceful communities.
Parental guidance: This video includes general mentions of abuse.
Let’s Talk
After watching the Ted Talk, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family:
What inspired you about Deanna Van Buren's story? Did you learn something new or find a new perspective?
How would you describe restorative justice? Why is it important?
Deanna invites prison inmates to take part in her design process. Why is seeking community input important to her work?
Bonus! Grab some markers or colored pencils and design your own peacemaking center. What would it look like? What community resources would you include?
Do Something: Neighborhood Assessment
Get outside and get to know your neighborhood! Where do people gather? Is it green? Are there places to shop and buy groceries?
To envision positive change in our communities, we need to understand them first! Planners, architects, and other creatives from American Planning Association have come together to make a scavenger hunt to help you understand your neighborhood better.
Pick a time to go out exploring with your family! What new things will you discover about your community? What would you like to change or improve?
Community Connections: Support Local Businesses
Many Chicago businesses are intentional about hiring formerly incarcerated individuals to help them get back on their feet after returning to their communities. Check out the West Side Bee Boyz, Chicago’s first urban apiary services and purveyor of natural, locally harvested honey.
The West Side Bee Boyz was started by Thad Smith, who was formerly incarcerated himself. Thad often returns to Cook County Department of Corrections to facilitate a job training program that teaches people experiencing incarceration about how to keep bees. The West Side Bee Boyz hires formerly incarcerated individuals with a point of sustainably investing in their community. Shop all kinds of products to support their farm from honey soda to bees wax candles. You won’t be disappointed by these local Chicago products.
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