Giving Tuesday 2021
Healthy Food & Basic Needs
Our Lady of the Angels Coat Drive
Thank you for volunteering to donate coats and warm weather items to be distributed at Our Lady of the Angels. Below, please find all the information you need to you need to prepare for your donation drop off.
Delivery Date/Time
Saturday, December 4th from 8 am – 9 am
Our Lady of the Angels
3815 W Iowa St
Chicago, IL 60651
Our Goal
This project helps people and the planet! You will collect coats and warm weather items for neighbors served by Our Lady of the Angels at their monthly food pantry and free market in West Humboldt Park.
By finding donations a new home, your work at this project reduces waste while helping local families receive everyday essentials needed to live quality and dignified lives.
Get Ready!
Learn more about OLA’s food pantry with this video. Prior to volunteering, discuss the purpose of the project with your family. Here are a few ideas to get the conversation going and build empathy:
Did you learn something new about food pantries that surprised you?
Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? If so, what was your experience like?
When you donate items you no longer use like clothing or coats, how might it help other families? What about the planet?
Collecting Donations
This project is designed for your family to participate in together! Work with your family to clean out your closets to collect new or very-gently used coats, gloves, hats, and/or scarves. You will complete this project at home and then deliver your donations directly to OLA on the date/time noted above.
Please bring as many or as few donations as you like. Adult and child sizes are needed. Quality=Dignity so please only donate items that you would be proud to wear.
Know Before You Go
You will be responsible for delivering your donations to OLA. Street parking is available on Hamlin Ave, Avers Ave and Iowa St. This site is also accessible by CTA. View parking map.
When you arrive, look for Our Lady of the Angels staff on site to collect your donations. You may pull up to 3814 W Iowa St. and call 773-486-8431 or ring the doorbell at 3814 W. Iowa St.
COVID-19 Safety
This is a contact-free donation drop off. We ask that you adhere to COVID-19 best practices outlined on the CDC website here. Let's work together to keep each other safe!
We’re here to help! Please email Bri at with any questions.
Love Honeycomb?
Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb Cheer Challenge march for your whole family. Not only will you look extra cute this winter, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including our robust schedule of volunteer programs. Your support means such much.