Giving Tuesday 2021



Pack Healthy Meals

Thank you for volunteering to deliver meals to St. Sabina’s food pantry! Below, please find all the information you need to you need to prepare for your donation drop off.

Delivery Date/Time

Saturday, December 4th from 10 am – 12 pm  


Saint Sabina Food Pantry, 1210 W 78th Place, Chicago, IL 60620 

Our Goal
This project supports families served by St. Sabina's food pantry in Auburn Gresham by providing healthy ready-to-eat meals. 

St. Sabina has seen a huge surge in pantry clients and many clients don't have access to a kitchen. St. Sabina is specifically in need of donations that do not require a microwave or can opener to eat. By collecting or purchasing food to make ready-to-eat meals, you will help fulfill and urgent community need and show support to neighbors experiencing homelessness. 

Get Ready!
Help your family learn more about the importance of food insecurity and hunger with this video or The Daily Story A Day at the Food Pantry (aired in November, 2020).

Prior to volunteering, discuss the purpose of the project with your family. Here are a few ideas to get the conversation going and build empathy:

    • Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? If so, what was your experience like?

    • Did you learn anything new about hunger and food insecurity? Did a particular story stand out to you?

    • Why are food pantries so important now? What do you want to learn more about?

Shopping for Donations
This project is designed for your team to participate in together! Work together to purchase or collect healthy nonperishable food to pack into individual meal boxes or lunch bags. You will complete this project at home and then deliver your meals directly to St. Sabina on the date/time noted above.

All donations make a difference! Please bring as many or as few meals as you like. Check out Honeycomb's Donation Guide to help you prepare your meals. 

Get creative! Use markers to decorate your meal bags/boxes with artwork. You may in include cards or pictures with uplifting messages with your donation. Your creativity and care show community support for our neighbors Auburn Gresham.

Know Before You Go
You will be responsible for delivering your meals to St. Sabina. It can be easy to miss the entrance! When you arrive, please pull up to 1210 W 78th Place and ring the doorbell.  St. Sabina's staff will be on site to collect your meal donations. 

If you need assistance on the day of the project, please call/text St. Sabina's main number at 773.483.4300.

COVID-19 Safety
This is an outdoor, contact-free donation drop off. We ask that you adhere to COVID-19 best practices outlined on the CDC website here. Let's work together to keep each other safe!

We’re here to help! Please email Bri at with any questions.



Love Honeycomb? 

Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb Cheer Challenge merch for your whole family. Not only will you look extra cute this winter, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including our robust schedule of volunteer programs. Your support means such much.