Health & Wellness

Lesson Name


Get Inspired: Felix’s Famous Cookies

Kindness and community building is important now more than ever. Today we're challenging you to take some time to reflect on kindness with your family. Our inspiring video of the day is about a kid name Felix who was able to use his family tradition to make big change.

When his grandma passed away, Felix honored her by starting a cookie business using her recipe and donating the proceeds to charity. Now his idea has grown into Felix's Famous Cookies , a family run organization that has supported over 40 community organizations. This kind of business is called a social enterprise because it has positive impact on the community. Watch the video above to learn more about Felix's big idea and the big impacts he's made in Chicago and beyond.

This film was produced by Small Forces , a creative impact studio here in Chicago dedicated to amplifying the work of purpose-driven organizations through cinematic storytelling. We love their inspiring work!



Let’s Talk

After watching Felix's Famous Cookies, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family today:

  • What surprised you most about the film? What made you smile?

  • Did Felix encounter any challenges? How did he overcome them?

  • What's your favorite family tradition? Is it something you can do at home today?

  • Dream up your own family business! What would you do? Who would hire? Could it be a social enterprise like Felix's Famous Cookies and have a positive impact on the community?

  • Bonus! Create a drawing of your business and products.


Do Something: Kindness Challenge

Our first activity this week is a Random Acts of Kindness Challenge! RAOKs have been proven to improve moods, lower blood pressure, and even reduce pain! Plus they'll keep you busy while you hang at home.



Community Connections: IMD Guest House

Have you ever joined us at our project Work at a Free Store ? Our Lady of the Angels runs a food pantry and free market for neighbors in Humboldt Park. While we can't volunteer onsite, there are still ways to support our neighbors in need.

If you're headed out to buy groceries for you own family, please consider picking up needed items for the OLA. They are currently in need of non-perishable groceries, cleaning supplies, and toiletries. To avoid person to person contact, all groceries will be dropped off outside on the steps at OLA 3814 W. Iowa St, Chicago 60651. Please call 773-486-8431 when you are on your way AND when you arrive. OLA will come to bring your donation inside.

Please do not leave a donation on the steps without calling as they will must throw away all donations that are left on the steps without being monitored. If you or your family members are not feeling well, please refrain from helping out in this way. 


Love Honeycomb at Home? 

Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this new daily content. Your support means such much.



Earn a Honeycomb Pin!

We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject

Honeycomb at home

Spark change anytime, anywhere