Hunter Family

Hunter Family - Photo #1.jpg

Honeycomb has Heart

Like kids in a candy store. That’s how The Hunter family feels when volunteering for Honeycomb. “We can’t get enough, and we try to get in as many projects as we can,” says mom, Sherry.


It was May 2018 when daughters Genesis (then 8-years-old) and Geniya (then 7-years-old) first helped out with the Holiday Heroes event for Honeycomb.  Sherry says, “before Genesis turned seven-years-old…and she expected seven presents for her birthday.” This ignited an eagerness to teach her daughters about helping others in need.


A constant Honeycomb supporter, the family has stepped up during Covid. Sherry embraces these “teachable moments” as she volunteers with her daughters to Pack Healthy Meals for Saint Sabina Food Pantry. Saint Sabina has seen a surge in pantry clients during the pandemic, with many not having access to a kitchen.


“Most organizations allow youth to volunteer…teenagers and above.”  Sherry emphasizes, “one of Honeycomb's ‘secret sauces’ is the organization allows children as young as five years old to volunteer which is amazing to me…this is a reason I am drawn to Honeycomb.”


Sherry and her girls pack monthly meals for those experiencing homelessness. “We have a house, we have a kitchen, we have lights. We have heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer,” stresses Sherry. “It’s important that the girls know what they have and understand not everyone has those basic needs.”


It’s become a meaningful family project for them. “We come together on that Friday night, play music and pack meals,” Sherry says. “Genesis and Geniya put stickers, smiles and drawings on the brown bags and write notes. And then Saturday morning, we drop off the bagged lunches at Saint Sabina’s.”


Additionally, Sherry has a “medicine cabinet” in her trunk.  She stocks it with sanitizers, snacks, masks and more so if they see anyone in need, the kids know they’re prepared to help.


Sherry loves how Honeycomb is full of heart. “We all know the problems in Chicago communities,” Sherry stresses. “We know we can’t cure the social ills…but we can help. We can be a solution to the problem… so my family gives what we can.”


Outside of volunteering with The Honeycomb Project, the Hunter Family loves to watch movies and bake together, and especially like to play funny jokes on one another. Sherry has a doctorate in education and is an Educational Consultant.  Genesis loves dancing, science and math. Geniya is into martial arts, dolls and just being silly.


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