Nichols Family


“Honeycomb is an amazing village and it brings me joy,”

Volunteering is what united Charmaine Nichols and her husband, David.   The pair met while mentoring disadvantaged high school students and are continuing their mission of giving back since they were married. Strengthening their communities has always been a priority for their children. Their daughter’s, Camille (a freshman at Jones College Prep High School) and Danielle (a 6th grader) are always excited to volunteer at Honeycomb Projects. “Camille is an animal lover,” shares Charmaine, “she loves making toys at Anti-Cruelty Society for the dogs and cats.”  “And Danielle loves baking…her favorite projects are baking cookies at the Ronald McDonald House and most recently, baking at IMD Guest House.”

However, Charmaine’s family is exploring a new chapter in life, with their girls getting older and more involved in their personal activities.  “With Camille’s increasingly busy high school schedule and extracurricular activities, plus Danielle’s involvement in many clubs, it has become hard to incorporate giving time and family volunteering on the weekends,” admits Charmaine. But Charmaine wanted to continue the momentum of helping Honeycomb.  “Even though we can’t volunteer as much as a family, I decided to get involved in more leadership roles.”  Charmaine has been active in Honeycomb’s annual Fall Fundraiser, serving on the committee for the past couple of years—securing silent auctions and sponsorship. She says “raising funds is another part of doing something meaningful.”

In addition, Charmaine began to lead Building Bookcases projects and most recently, is the Project Leader for the cooking projects at Whole Foods South Loop.  She loves to have ownership in giving back to her own neighborhood community. “Honeycomb is an amazing village and it brings me joy,” professes Charmaine. “I love cooking and bringing Honeycomb families together to create these nutritious meals for the benefit of others.”

Outside of Honeycomb, Charmaine is involved in other community organizations, her daughter’s schools, and works part-time for an international exchange student program. David is a partner for a consulting firm and serves on a number of nonprofit Boards. Camille dances and is active in her high school Beta Club and Danielle enjoys her involvement in Debate Club and Book Club. The Nichols family loves to travel and explore new areas outside of Chicago.


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White Family