Norment Family


“Twenty Projects. Two Years. It’s more than community service hours.”

Navi and her mom have more than 20 Honeycomb projects under their belts in two years time.

“It started when Navi was looking for community service events,” says mom, Natasha. “She’ll be a junior at Hansberry College Prep this Fall and needs 40 service hours to graduate high school.” “One weekend a couple years ago, my fiancé (George) and I saw Honeycomb Project spotlighted on ABC7 News and I looked it up immediately.”

Share Your Care and Holiday Heroes were the first few projects that Navi and Natasha enjoyed together. “We were working with La Casa Norte,” says Natasha, “and it really shed a light on children’s and women’s needs. We are big advocates that everybody deserves a home.” “Honeycomb has opened our eyes wider…to the fact there are not just hundreds, but thousands of people in need.”

Holiday Heroes holds a special place Navi and Natasha’s hearts. “We have led Holiday Heroes and other projects since March of this year,” says Natasha. “Making crafted kits gives the children and their families a way to explore their creative side and it gives the parents a break to have fun with their kid(s). Making children smile makes me and Navi feel great…we played a part in their happiness.”

In addition, Navi joined Honeycomb’s Leadership Corp (HLC) in December 2018. Since then, she feels that HLC has helped her develop stronger leadership and communication skills. Navi adds, “HLC and Honeycomb gives me and my mom meaningful things to do for different communities together–I love working with my mom. I’m looking forward to taking everything that I have and will learn through HLC into my future education and work goals.”

Navi completed her 40 community service hours, but she’s still going strong. Natasha says, “it’s her way of giving back to the community. She is a people person and wants to make sure everyone is okay.” “She is that light and happiness for someone—even if it’s for one day.”

Natasha is a mobile phlebotomist and her fiancé, George, is a maintenance manager—both are passionate beekeepers. Navi is artsy and loves to draw and play video games. The Norment Family lives on the South Side and with their beehives and chicken coop. Outside of attending Honeycomb events, they enjoy exploring new restaurants and having movie nights.


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