Siddiqui-Mujahid Family


“Honeycomb is one of a kind.”

A member of Honeycomb’s Leadership Council, Mariya Mujahid is only 16 years old and is rising as a leader and spokesperson for Honeycomb. Earlier this year, Mariya was invited by The Honeycomb Project, to present at the National Conference on Service Learning in Minnesota. She attended workshops and presented during Honeycomb’s Workshop to others.

‘What was really amazing about the conference was that the Honeycomb was one of a kind…even with the variety of volunteer organizations there,” says Mariya. “No other organization, that I saw at least, was based on family volunteering specifically.” Mariya also drew from her own family experiences and shared with others in attendance–on how different members of a family of different ages can participate in Honeycomb and also gain leadership skills.

Her parents, Samana and Bilal, both grew up volunteering and understand the importance of their children seeing them give back-including having their younger ones see their older siblings volunteer. “We have five children,” says Samana, “Mariya (16), Aisha (15), Khadija (12), Ali (6) and Zeyneb (2).”

“Honeycomb provides something for my whole family, not just for my older kids,’ she continues. “For over four years now, we sign up and show up. Honeycomb takes the guess work out of the equation. It’s so organized and easy to volunteer with your family.” Samana says “we appreciate how Honeycomb has everything set-up for registration on the 15th of each month.”

“Honeycomb understands the issues that Chicago is facing and is doing something about it…and they are giving the means for kids to do something about it,” emphasizes Samana. “It’s important that our children are able to tackle these issues with their own ideas as they get older.”

Although Samana and Bilal’s children’s ages vary greatly, it’s unique the entire family finds fulfillment together. “We live in the suburbs and sometimes it’s hard for kids to understand there are others who are in need,” says Samana. “Yes, there are people in our city who struggle with hunger and are homeless. My children know it’s there and they are doing something about it. I can’t thank Honeycomb enough.”

The Siddiqui-Mujahid family lives in Chicago’s west suburbs and outside of Honeycomb, are active in service projects for the Muslim Women’s Alliance. Samana is a freelance writer and stay-at-home mom and Bilal works in information technology. The family enjoys visiting museums and spending time with their extended family.


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