Family Time
We Are Family
Get Inspired: The Art of Beatboxing
We are family! Sharing your passions is a great way to express yourself, explore your creativity, and learn something new. We're inviting your family to think about the importance of sharing your passions with loved ones. Check out this video about a father-daughter beatboxing duo and how sharing their passion built strong family bonds.
We all have talents to share. Showing family and friends your talents and passions is an important part of having fun together, showing vulnerability, and building connections. Your passions are important - share them with the world!
Let’s Talk
After watching the video The Art of Beatboxing, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family today:
What inspired you about Nicole and Ed's story? What made you smile?
Do you have a talent or passion? Did someone teach you or did you teach yourself?
Why is it important to share your passions with loved ones? When was the last time you shared your talent with someone you love?
Bonus! Ask someone to show you their passion, talent, or favorite hobby! You might learn something new!
Do Something: Kids Teach Parents Takeover
Kids know best! Sharing your talents and hobbies is a fun way to build family connections. Today, we challenge all Honeycomb kids to teach your parents about your talents.
What's your favorite hobby or skill? Take some time today to teach your parents or caregiver how to do what you do best! Do you love to make art? Play sports? Play video games? Or create music? Show off your talents and share your passions with the whole family.
Community Connections: Families Helping Families
Family supplies needed! Our friends at La Casa Norte are working hard to support families who are experiencing housing insecurity. Essential items like diapers, wipes, toiletries, and backpacks, are expensive and many families are in need of community support.
If you're out shopping for your own family, consider picking up some extra diapers and wipes for families in need. La Casa Norte is in need of diapers sized 2-5 but especially 4-5.
Items can be dropped off contact-free at La Casa Norte's Main Office, between 9am -5pm at 3533 W North Ave, Chicago, IL or contact them at info@lacasanorte.org or 773-276-4900 x 212 to schedule a pick up.
Love Honeycomb at Home?
Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this new content. Your support means such much.
Earn a Honeycomb Pin!
We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject

Honeycomb at home