A Greener Chicago
Get Inspired: Chicago’s Air Quality During the Pandemic
A Greener Chicago. Air quality impacts the health of the environment and our communities. This week, we're inviting your family to think about how working to keep our environment clean helps to maintain healthy communities. Check out this WBEZ segment on Chicago's air quality during COVID-19.
Chicago air was getting cleaner even before the pandemic, which is important news for our city's health. However, some communities are located closer to polluting industries than others. Many of these neighborhoods are communities of color disproportionately effected by air pollution.
Our relationship with the environment is symbiotic, meaning if we take care of the environment, the environment will take care of us! We can all make changes in our daily lives to maintain a positive relationship with our urban environment.
Let’s Talk
After listening to the segment about Chicago's air quality, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family:
What stood out to you about the changes in Chicago's air quality? Did you learn anything new?
Why is living in a clean environment important to you? How does pollution impact our every day life?
Do you have a favorite outdoor space? The Lake? A favorite park or preserve? What do you like to do there?
Bonus! Research environmental justice issues in Chicago and present what you learn to your family and friends.
Do Something: Environmental Art
We're inspired by our neighbors! We've seen so much public art pop up across the city that helps us stay connected and bring a smile to our faces.
Grab some rocks and waterproof paint - we're making rock art. Create beautiful patterns, silly faces, or write sweet notes to passersby. Use bright colors and have fun flexing your artistic muscles!
Connect with nature and get creative! Once you've finished painting your rocks, get outside and place them in fun spots for people to find. On a park bench, or in a trail along the side walk. Your creativity is sure to brighten someone's day.
Community Connections: Shop Sweet Beginnings
We love all things BEE! Sweet Beginnings is a social enterprise working to help people and planet. Their organization works to provide jobs and career training for people who were formerly incarcerated, by employing them as bee keepers, production and packaging staff, and marketing personnel. Their job training program helps community members overcome barriers to employment and support themselves in their careers.
Sweet Beginnings makes Bee Love products - you may have seen them in local Chicago stores! They create a range of products from edible raw honey, to body scrubs, soaps, and more. You can shop their products here.
Why shop bee products? Bees are vital pollinators that help everything from flowers, trees, and our fresh fruits and vegetables grow. Many bees are threatened by environmental degradation, pesticides, and pollution, so the more humans can help keep them safe the better! Sweet Beginnings even won the Governor's Sustainability Award in 2014. We're absolutely buzzing to support their mission!
Love Honeycomb at Home?
Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this new virtual content. Your support means such much.
Earn a Honeycomb Pin!
We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject
Honeycomb at home
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