Art & Culture
Original Art
Get Inspired: Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus
You are original. Art comes in all shapes, sizes, and sounds! Today, we're inviting your family to celebrate your creativity through music. Watch this video about Chicago Gay Men's Chorus and the community that music helped them create.
Chicago Gay Men's Chorus hosts a space where art and music unifies people. Roberto Lopez notes that the chorus has created a family, making a difference in his well-being and sense of belonging. When we create together, we share a piece of ourselves with the world, building connection and community.
Let’s Talk
After watching the video about Chicago’s Gay Men’s Chorus, use the questions below to kick-start a great conversation with your family today:
What stood out to you about Chicago Gay Men's Chorus? What made you smile?
As Artistic Director, Jimmy Morehead notes, music is a universal language. What music is meaningful to you?
Does music makes you feel connected to others? How so? Do you have other creative activities that connect you to others or your community?
Bonus! Share your favorite tunes with a friend. Send a song that makes you smile or create a playlist for someone you love.
Do Something: Nick Cave’s Sound Suit
Music in motion! Nick Cave is a fabric sculptor, dancer, and performance artist. He combined his passions in the creation of his sound suits - wearable art that makes sound when you move!
Woosh... Zip... Ting! These musical social justice suits were created to protect those who wear them from discrimination.
Grab some items from around your house that make noise when they move together and create your own sound suit. Cave associates making noise with protest and positive change. Make your suit inspired by an issue you are passionate about. Check out more about how to start your sound suit with the Whitney Museum of American Art. Don't forget to dance in your sound suit!
Take a picture or video of your sound suit and tag us at #honeycombathome and #honeycombproject.
Community Connections: Support Chicago Musicians
Do you want to get up and dance to some live music? Celebrate and support Chicago’s iconic blues musicians with Chicago Blues at Home by The Blues Institute. You can catch their livestream concerts or even sign up to receive some classic blues lessons from the experts themselves.
Take lessons as a family! The Chicago Blues at Home lessons will show you a range of techniques, riffs, and chord changes used in Blues Clubs and Festivals all across the country. While you’re learning new bluesy techniques, you’re also supporting the Blues Foundation’s COVID-19 Blues Musicians Emergency Relief Fund.
We know there’s musical talent or a love for music in your family! Check out the Chicago Blues at Home program with your family.
Love Honeycomb at Home?
Show your support with limited-edition Honeycomb at Home loungewear for your whole family. Not only will you look cute while relaxing at home, your donations will help support all things Honeycomb, including this new virtual content. Your support means such much.
Earn a Honeycomb Pin!
We have a NEW Honeycomb pin to add to your collection. After you complete five Honeycomb at Home activities, contact us with your name, address, and summary or pictures of your projects. We'll send your pin straight to your door! Share your work on social media and tag #honeycombathome and #thehoneycombproject

Honeycomb at home