Sill Family


“We didn’t expect him to have such a connection.”

Andrea and her husband, Paul wanted to get their children more involved in volunteering. After finding Honeycomb from an online search, Andrea started to set her calendar to sign up for Honeycomb projects each month. Since 2014, the Sill Family has attended more than 40 projects including sewing quilts for pediatric patients, wrapping holiday gifts, preparing meals at Sarah’s Circle and more.

“Evan was a fourth grader and Emery was a second grader when we did our first project at the Anti-Cruelty Society with Honeycomb,” says mom, Andrea. “And then a couple years later Evan had his first experience working with kids with disabilities at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab…we didn’t expect him to have such a connection.”

The project at AbilityLab was a turning point for Evan and his family. The experience resonated with him. Andrea says, “ Evan made such a connection and developed strong relationships with two kids at AbilityLab who were in rehabilitation at that time…they even continued their friendships for years after.”

But the Sill Family didn’t stop there. They looked beyond volunteering at projects and branched out to widen their impact. Evan recently interned at Honeycomb’s main office for his second year, working on fundraising operations. “He’s making a lot of calls to get donations from grocery stores and retailers…and compiling a list of silent auction donors for the fundraiser in the Fall,” says Andrea.

In addition, Andrea has played a key role as a Fall Fundraiser event committee member for the last two years. She says, “it’s always a balancing act with work and life–but I always wanted to be involved in a charity that I believe in. I’ve always been impressed with Honeycomb and its programming.” So besides providing valuable input, Andrea has secured auction items and donations that have raised thousands for Honeycomb.

Making a meaningful impact…it goes both ways. “I owe a lot to Honeycomb because of the impact it has made on my family. And it is the perfect place to make an impact right back.”

The Sill Family lives in Bucktown. Andrea is a partner at Barack Ferrazzano Financial Institutions Group and Paul works for CBRE. Evan (age 14) loves being outdoors and playing baseball. Emery (age 12) is an amazing baker and loves to sing and dance. Outside of volunteering, the family loves skiing trips to Colorado and traveling to new destinations.


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