Honeycomb at Home
Health & Wellness
building healthy communities
Taking care of our mental and emotional health is just as important as taking care of our physical health.
Caring for our own well-being and the well-being of others is an important part of creating healthy communities. From supporting local healthcare workers, to caring for our own mental health, to advocating for accessibility rights, learn more about how your family can improve the health and happiness of our city with Honeycomb at Home: Health & Wellness.
We’re in this together
Your gift today helps sustain Honeycomb at Home as a free public resource available to kids, families, and teachers. Through engaging self-guided activities, kids learn social responsibility, empathy, and civic action. Lessons that last a lifetime.
Every $35 you donate mobilizes one new volunteer — $100 mobilizes a whole family.
health & Wellness curriculum
Lesson Plans
Welcome Wellness
We all navigate the world in our own way. Learn about how kids with disabilities are teaching other kids about what life with a disability is like. This suburban school celebrates Disability Awareness Week where students learn understanding and build community.
Help and Heal
Everyone has the power to make a difference in our community - no matter how young! We're inviting your family to view yourselves as changemakers and make your voices heard.
Healing Hope
Diverse representation in the medical field is a vital part of ensuring patients' voices are heard and youth have the inspiration to follow their dreams. We're asking your family to reflect on all that medical professionals do to keep our communities safe and healthy.
Collective Care
It takes a whole community to care for our collective health. The Aymara women of Bolivia adapted their traditional weaving skills to create life-saving devices to save their children and others from heart failure and disease. When we work together as a community, sharing our unique skills, we can leverage our strengths to make a lasting impact on our collective well-being.
did you know?
We have so much more to offer
Discover ways to stay uplifted, informed, and inspired right from home.
Multigenerational connections are a vital part of staying healthy and happy. Learn more about how your family can combat senior isolation, build multigenerational connections, and support older adults in our communities.
As neighbors, we strive to care for each other through difficult times and create a city where everyone feels at home. Learn more about how your family can build strong and connected communities.
Our environment sustains the health of our communities by cleaning our air, filtering our water, supporting diverse ecosystems, and so much more. Learn how your family can protect people and planet.
A home is a human right. It provides us with shelter, comfort, and a space to learn and grow. Learn more about how your family can combat housing insecurity.
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