Leos Family

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Culture & Conversation

Giving is part of nine-year-old Alexandra’s vernacular and her parents have The Honeycomb Project to thank for it. “Honeycomb didn’t just light the fire,” says her dad, Greg…“they helped create the fire.”

When their daughter was young, Greg and Kristin Leos wanted Alexandra to have a bigger perspective of the world. Greg says, “kids decide what’s important to them at such a young age, and they pay close attention to what’s important to the people in their lives.” “We made giving back to others a family event and this has made a huge impact on her growth and development.”

“Honeycomb provides an avenue to see beyond yourself,” continues Greg. Alexandra, a third grader at Catherine Cook School, was only four-years-old when she first volunteered with Honeycomb. “Now, giving is ingrained in her and it balances out the other things she is privileged to have in her life.”

“Honeycomb not only helped us create a culture of giving at home,” Greg adds, “it also helped us create meaningful conversations.” “Now, Kristin and I can have conversations with Alexandra about why we should support people who are homeless or why animals need our help.” Having these talks are a part of the Leos family’s daily lives.

Greg says, “hands down, Alexandra loves projects at the Anti-Cruelty Society because she loves to protect and take care of animals.” For that reason, the Leos Family are Honeycomb Pollinator Sponsors—financially supporting a year of programming of their favorite volunteer projects. Some other family favorites include removing invasive species near Lincoln Park Zoo and crafting cards for veterans for the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center.

During the pandemic, the Leos’ have continued to drop groceries off at Lincoln Perry Apartments, a Chicago Housing Authority affordable housing community for seniors in Bronzeville. “COVID hasn’t changed our attitudes about giving one bit,” Greg stresses, “it only reinforced and strengthened the notion that supporting others is incredibly important. We are grateful that The Honeycomb Project provides us with an opportunity to express what we see as an important family value.”

Outside of Honeycomb Project events, the Leos Family keeps busy. Greg is a Senior VP at Fiserv, Inc. and Kristin is a member of the Board of Directors for The Selective Mutism Association. Alexandra is an avid collector of Beanie Boos and a proud owner of two fish, two guinea pigs and an adorable dwarf hamster. The family lives in the Lakeshore East neighborhood and are supporters of the Shedd Aquarium, Lincoln Park Zoo and The Art Institute.


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