Riley-Scruggs Family


“We Are More Intentional.” 

Grocery shopping for seniors. That’s where you can find the Riley-Scruggs Family on a Sunday morning.

“My family started volunteering with Honeycomb in 2013,” says mom, Lisa Scruggs. “Our first project was making blankets out of recycled plastic bags for displaced Chicagoans…it was great because all three of my kids, from youngest to oldest, were able to help out.”

Today, supporting seniors in need of groceries is one of the family frequents. One can easily find 16-year-old twins, Jacob and Maya and 10-year-old, Zachary delivering groceries at Lincoln Perry Apartments, a Chicago Housing Authority affordable housing community in Bronzeville.

Lisa and her husband, Luther Riley, appreciate how Honeycomb is helping them foster a culture of responsibility for their children and other families in the Chicago community. From volunteering at Make Cards for Veterans at The National Veterans Art Museum on the Northside, to creating care kits for patients at LaRabida Children’s Hospital on the Southside, their family will travel to where the need is.

Lisa also likes how Honeycomb hosts a variety of projects for different ages. Jacob is sophomore at St. Ignatius High School, Maya is a sophomore at the Chicago Academy for the Arts and Zachary attends Ancona School in Hyde Park. She says, “my kids love volunteering but each one has a different interest.”

“For Jacob, living in the City, he has had exposure to the issue of homelessness, and this has impacted him,” continues Lisa. “Addressing food insecurity has become a huge interest for him. He’s outspoken on this issue and now takes action and introduces his friends to Honeycomb.” “It’s definitely something special to see Jacob and his friend shopping and budgeting on a Sunday morning…and establishing relationships with the seniors they meet.”

“Maya is the visual artist of the family and Zachary has a real creative side as well,” Lisa says. “Helping with crafts at La Rabida and designing handmade cards for veterans are some of their favorites.”

Lisa stresses, “with COVID-19, the need to help is greater and we actually have more time to focus on volunteering since we aren’t driving around as much with as many extracurricular activities.” “Now we always try to keep snacks in the car, and we are more intentional in giving when we pass by those in need.”

Outside of attending Honeycomb projects, the Riley-Scruggs Family keeps busy. Lisa is partner at Duane Morris LLP and Luther is a Chicago Fire Department engineer on the south side. Jacob loves all things basketball and dabbles in improv. Maya is an artist who enjoys painting and photography. Zachary is active in children’s theatre and a seasoned Roblox player.


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